Guidelines to Disclosing Wrongdoing under the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act

Name Guidelines to Disclosing Wrongdoing under the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act
Category Employment
Last updated
Size  881.94 KB
File Type  pdf
Number of pages 14
Document description

The purposes of these guidelines are to:

  • inform Yukon government employees about how to make a disclosure of wrongdoing within a Yukon government public entity or request advice about making such a disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act;
  • ensure supervisors and chief executives are aware of their respective roles and responsibilities when receiving a disclosure of wrongdoing or a request for advice about making a disclosure of wrongdoing under the Act;
  • inform Yukon government employees about how to make a complaint of reprisal to the Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner (PIDC) if they believe they have been reprised against because they have sought advice about making a disclosure of wrongdoing, made a disclosure of wrongdoing, cooperated in an investigation under the Act or declined to participate in a wrongdoing; and
  • provide Yukon government employees with information about the Act.
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