Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) local area planning

The Government of Yukon and Kwanlin Dün First Nation are developing a local area plan for the Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) area. Ta’an Kwäch’än Council is also involved. A steering committee established by the Government of Yukon and Kwanlin Dün First Nation will help develop the plan.

In Southern Tutchone, Fish Lake is called Łu Zil Män (pronounced Sloo Zill Mun) after the whitefish that spawn there in the fall.

Local area plan engagement

The 1st public engagement phase on the development of the local area plan is over. It started June 24, 2022, and ended August 31, 2022.

The What We Heard report for the 1st public engagement phase is now available. New final background and summary background reports are also available.

Next steps

The Government of Yukon and the Kwanlin Dün First Nation, guided by the steering committee, will write a draft plan for the Łu Zil Män area. The input received during the first engagement will inform the plan.

Once the draft plan is written, you’ll have another opportunity to shape the plan and have your say about the area. We expect to have a complete draft plan in early 2025.

Check back regularly for updates.

The planning area

The planning area is approximately 460 square kilometres in size. It’s located just west of Whitehorse.

Who's on the steering committee

Kwanlin Dün First Nation appointees:

  • Jasmine Bill
  • Margaret McKay
  • Steven Shorty

Government of Yukon appointees:

  • Kathy Elliot
  • Jocelyne Leblanc

What is local area planning

Local area plans guide the development and use of land in unincorporated communities in the Yukon. The plans designate areas for specific land uses. Learn more about local area planning.

Contact the planners

Tomoko Hagio 
Government of Yukon
Land and resource planner
Phone: 867-334-5425
Email: tomoko.hagio@yukon.ca

Roy Neilson
Kwanlin Dün First Nation
Land and resource planner
Phone: 867-332-1717
Email: roy.neilson@kdfn.net

Photo used in marketing and promotional materials copyright John Meikle / Kwanlin Dün First Nation

Government of Yukon logo
Kwanlin Dün First Nation logo