Student Training and Employment Program (STEP)

What is STEP? 

The Student Training and Employment Program (STEP) provides students with a way to earn a wage while gaining work experience in their field of study. 

STEP employment benefits: 

  • Fantastic opportunities across the Yukon in the public and private sectors. 
  • A wide range of training and mentorship opportunities from supervisors and senior team members. 
  • Full-time summer employment with a typical employment period from May 1 to September 1. Dates are flexible. 
  • Job opportunities from Engineering Intern to Social Media Coordinator to IT Support Technician. 

Important dates when applying for summer 2025 STEP jobs

  • February 7, 2025: Deadline for students to apply.
  • March 2025: Employers shortlist and interview applicants.
  • April 7, 2025: Last day for employers to make their job offers and notify students who were not successful in their interviews.
  • May 1, 2025: Students may begin their STEP jobs.
  • September 1, 2025: Students must complete their STEP jobs. 

How to apply

Make sure to review the positions available with:

When applying you must:

  1. Complete the application form.
  2. Include your résumé. 
  3. Submit your application to

To find out if you're eligible for STEP employment, review the application. 

What do STEP jobs pay? 

Wages are at least $22.56 per hour, and offer between 450 to 600 hours of employment. As your education level increases so does your wage: 

  • $22.56 per hour upon completion of 1st year
  • $24.18 per hour upon completion of 2nd year
  • $25.87 per hour upon completion of 3rd year
  • $27.68 per hour upon completion of 4th year or higher

Employers other than the Government of Yukon may pay higher wages. 

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