Create your e-recruitment profile

Create a new account and resume profile

  1. Go to the e-recruitment system.
  2. Fill out all mandatory text fields (indicated with red text). Black text fields are optional.
  3. Read the statement of understanding and check the "Terms of Use" box.
  4. Select "Continue." You will see a green message at the top of the page confirming you have successfully created your account.
  5. Select "Enter my Resume/CV."
    Note: You can also create your resume profile when you apply for a job. If you enter it now it will be automatically inserted when you apply for a job. You can update or amend it for future job applications.
  6. Fill out all of the mandatory text fields (indicated with red text). Black text fields are optional. Copy and paste your resume text into the resume field. Use the "Control + V" command on your keyboard. You can also type it directly into the text field. Use the text editor formatting options for formatting.
    Note: Your resume or cover letter cannot be uploaded as a Microsoft Word or PDF file. They may require reformatting once they are copied into the resume text box. See Prepare, add and edit your cover letter and resume for more information on how to prepare your resume and cover letter.
  7. Select "Next."
  8. Preview your information. You can select "Edit" in the top right corner of the page if you need to make corrections.
  9. Select "Finish."
  10. You have completed your profile and are ready to apply for jobs.

Retrieve a forgotten password

  1. Go to the login page on the e-recruitment website.
  2. Select the "Forgot your password" link.
  3. Enter your user email and select the "Send" button.
  4. You will receive an email notification. Follow the instructions to reset your password.

E-recruitment guides


For questions about creating your e-recruitment profile email or phone 867-667-9453.

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