In the Yukon, early childhood educators working in licensed early learning and child care programs are required to apply for Yukon early childhood educator (ECE) certification.
The Yukon government Early Learning and Child Care Branch is responsible for determining the certification levels for early childhood educators in the Yukon.
Level 1
- 60 hours of post-secondary coursework in early childhood development;
- Yukon First Nations Education Directorate Understanding the Early Years course; or
- An approved educational equivalency.
Level 1a
- Completion of 15 credits or 5 post-secondary courses in early childhood development offered by a recognized college or university; or
- An approved educational equivalency.
Level 2
- Completion of 1 year of post-secondary coursework in early childhood development offered by a recognized college or university; or
- An approved educational equivalency.
Level 2a
- Completion of 45 credits or 15 post-secondary courses in early childhood development offered by a recognized college or university; or
- An approved educational equivalency.
Level 3
- Completion of 2 years of post-secondary coursework in early childhood development offered by a recognized college or university; or
- An approved educational equivalency.
For information on course equivalency and certification requirements see page 15 of the Early Childhood Educator Guide to Certification.
Coursework we’ll consider
Coursework we consider for these levels must:
- be for credit coursework from a recognized accredited post-secondary educational institution;
- focus on learning and development of children birth to 8 years old; and
- correspond with coursework outlined in the Early Childhood Educator Guide to Certification.
Where to study
Yukon University
We accept early learning coursework from Yukon University.
Other colleges and universities
We accept early learning coursework from many schools across Canada. If you are interested in enrolling in a program, contact us to check if it qualifies for early childhood educator certification.
Talk to us about your training plans
We recommend that certified early childhood educators continue taking workshops, courses and attending conferences as part of their professional development.
To access learning and development opportunities online, visit the Early Learning Educators web hub.
If you currently hold Yukon ECE certification and have questions on how to increase your ECE level, contact us by email at or phone 867-667-3492.
If you currently live in the Yukon or intend to relocate to the Yukon, you must apply for your ECE certification. There is no application fee.
There are 3 pathway options to apply for certification as an early childhood educator in the Yukon.
Path 1: Early childhood educator certification from a Canadian province or territory.
This option is for those who currently have a certification as an early childhood educator from another Canadian province or territory.
Path 2: Post-secondary education completed in Canada.
This option is for those who have completed early childhood development or related courses at a Canadian post-secondary institution.
Path 3: Post-secondary education completed outside of Canada.
This option is for those who have completed early childhood development or related courses at an international institution.
After you apply
You will receive an answer by letter or email with our assessment result within 20 working days of the date you submitted your completed application and all required documents.
Apply for a replacement certificate
If you lose your certificate or your name has changed, you can request a replacement by completing the ECE certification re-issue application.
If you currently have certification as an early childhood educator from another Canadian province or territory, you may apply for certification in the Yukon under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA).
This option only applies to new applicants that have not previously received certification in the Yukon.
How to apply
1. Download and complete an application form.
2. Attach the following supporting documentation:
Proof of identity:
- All applicants are required to submit proof of identity to receive a certificate.
- The following documents are accepted to confirm identity:
- Valid Canadian passport;
- Canadian driver’s license or identification card;
- Canadian-issued birth certificate;
- Secure certificate of Indian Status;
- Permanent resident card; or
- Valid foreign passport with appropriate immigration documents.
Do not submit original identity documents (for example, birth certificate or passport). A photocopy is sufficient.
Proof of Yukon residency:
- All applicants are required to submit proof of Yukon residency to receive a certificate.
- The following current documents are accepted to confirm Yukon residency:
- Utility bill such as ATCO Electric or NorthwesTel;
- Municipal utility bill or property taxes;
- Bank statement or a stamped banking profile from a local bank
- Credit card statement;
- Mortgage documentation;
- Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the most recent year;
- Signed residential tenancy agreement;
- Social assistance benefit confirmation; or
- Signed employment confirmation on company letterhead.
- The following documents cannot be used as proof of residency.
- Cell phone bills; or
- Yukon health care cards.
- If you are not currently a Yukon resident, and you qualify for a certificate, your certificate will be issued when you arrive in the Yukon and submit proof of Yukon residency. A certificate will not be issued without proof of Yukon residency.
Proof of name change:
- If the name on supporting documents is different from your current legal name, you must provide proof of name change. Photocopies are accepted.
- The following documents are accepted as proof of name change:
- Marriage certificate or registration;
- Divorce certificate;
- Legal name change certificate; or
- Birth certificate plus current identification, such as a valid driver’s license.
3. Attach a copy of your ECE certification issued by the Canadian province or territory. We will verify with the applicable authority that your certificate is valid and in good standing.
4. Submit application and supporting documents to or by mail.
Early Learning and Child Care Branch (E-23)
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
PO Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
If you completed courses at a Canadian post-secondary educational institution select this application pathway.
How to apply
1. Download and complete an application form.
2. Attach supporting documentation.
Proof of identity:
- All applicants are required to submit proof of identity to receive a certificate.
- The following documents are accepted to confirm identity:
- Valid Canadian passport;
- Canadian driver’s license or identification card;
- Canadian-issued birth certificate;
- Secure certificate of Indian Status;
- Permanent resident card; or
- Valid foreign passport with appropriate immigration documents.
Do not submit original identity documents (for example, birth certificate or passport). A photocopy is sufficient.
Proof of Yukon residency:
- All applicants are required to submit proof of Yukon residency to receive a certificate.
- The following current documents are accepted to confirm Yukon residency:
- Utility bill such as ATCO Electric or NorthwesTel;
- Municipal utility bill or property taxes;
- Bank statement or a stamped banking profile from a local bank;
- Credit card statement;
- Mortgage documentation;
- Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the most recent year;
- Signed residential tenancy agreement;
- Social assistance benefit confirmation; or
- Signed employment confirmation on company letterhead.
- The following documents cannot be used as proof of residency.
- Cell phone bills; or
- Yukon health care cards.
- If you are not currently a Yukon resident, and you qualify for a certificate, your certificate will be issued when you arrive in the Yukon and submit proof of Yukon residency. A certificate will not be issued without proof of Yukon residency.
Proof of name change:
- If the name on supporting documents is different from your current legal name, you must provide proof of name change. Photocopies are accepted.
- The following documents are accepted as proof of name change:
- Marriage certificate or registration;
- Divorce certificate;
- Legal name change certificate; or
- Birth certificate plus current identification, such as a valid driver’s license.
3. Provide evidence of post-secondary education.
- Request your official transcript(s) from the post-secondary educational institution(s) where you completed related coursework. Have transcripts sent directly to Early Learning and Child Care Branch at
- Course descriptions for all relevant courses may be requested to help determine if courses meet the criteria for level certification.
4. Submit application and supporting documents to or by mail.
Early Learning and Child Care Branch (E-23)
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
PO Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
If you completed post-secondary courses at an educational institution outside of Canada select this application pathway.
How to apply
1. Download and complete an application form.
2. When you apply we need:
Proof of language proficiency:
- If your post-secondary program of study was not completed in English or French, evidence of English or French language proficiency is required.
Language proficiency assessments accepted for certification:
- Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP)
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
Proof of identity:
- All applicants are required to submit proof of identity to receive a certificate.
- The following documents are accepted to confirm identity:
- Valid Canadian passport;
- Canadian driver’s license or identification card;
- Canadian-issued birth certificate;
- Secure certificate of Indian Status;
- Permanent resident card; or
- Valid foreign passport with appropriate immigration documents.
Do not submit original identity documents (for example, birth certificate or passport). A photocopy is sufficient.
Proof of Yukon residency:
- All applicants are required to submit proof of Yukon residency to receive a certificate.
- The following current documents are accepted to confirm Yukon residency:
- Utility bill such as ATCO Electric or NorthwesTel;
- Municipal utility bill or property taxes;
- Bank statement or a stamped banking profile from a local bank;
- Credit card statement;
- Mortgage documentation;
- Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the most recent year;
- Signed residential tenancy agreement;
- Social assistance benefit confirmation; or
- Signed employment confirmation on company letterhead.
- The following documents cannot be used as proof of residency.
- Cell phone bills; or
- Yukon health care cards.
- If you are not currently a Yukon resident, and you qualify for a certificate, your certificate will be issued when you arrive in the Yukon and submit proof of Yukon residency. A certificate will not be issued without proof of Yukon residency.
Proof of name change:
- If the name on supporting documents is different from your current legal name, you must provide proof of name change. Photocopies are accepted.
- The following documents are accepted as proof of name change:
- Marriage certificate or registration;
- Divorce certificate;
- Legal name change certificate; or
- Birth certificate plus current identification, such as a valid driver’s license.
3. Provide Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report.
Post-secondary education completed outside of Canada requires a comprehensive educational credential assessment (ECA). The comprehensive ECA includes program of study, course titles and their converted credit value.
The comprehensive ECA document must be from a recognized Canadian credentialing agency. A list of accepted credentialing agencies is provided at:
Request the credentialing agency email your official comprehensive ECA document directly to Early Learning and Child Care Branch at or by mail to:.
Early Learning and Child Care Branch (E-23)
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
PO Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Course descriptions: These are for all relevant courses and are required to help determine if courses meet criteria for level certification.
4. Submit application and supporting documentation to or by mail.
Early Learning and Child Care Branch (E-23)
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
PO Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
To maintain your early childhood educator level 3 certification, you must:
- Complete a 30-hour post-secondary accredited early childhood development course within the 1-year period your certification is valid.
- Re-apply for your certification before it expires and provide proof that you've successfully completed your early childhood development coursework.
If you meet the requirements, we'll issue you a certification for one additional year. If you do not meet the requirements by the expiration date, your certification is no longer valid.
If you currently hold a valid level 3 equivalent certificate, you can contact the Early Learning and Child Care Branch for help in creating a pathway to full certification.
For questions about applying for early childhood educator certification, email In Whitehorse, phone 867-667-3492.