Learn about services for pilots, carriers and courtesy vehicle operators at Yukon airports

Services at Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport (YXY)


Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport fees

Ground handling

Air North manages ground handling at YXY. Phone 867-668-2228 to find out more.


These companies provide refuelling services at YXY.

  • Air North. Call 867-668-2228 ext. 748
  • Aerologistics card lock. Call 867-393-4359 or 867-335-5825 

Parking permits for courtesy vehicles

Taxi, limousine, shuttle bus, courtesy vehicle and tourism bus operators can apply for permission to park in the designated taxi parking section and the designated courtesy vehicle and tourism bus parking sections of YXY.

  • Apply for a parking permit.
  • Submit your completed application.
    In person: 75 Barkley Grow Crescent in Whitehorse. We are open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Email: yxy@yukon.ca
    Transportation Aviation Branch
    PO Box 2703 (W-16)
    Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Services at Yukon airports and aerodromes


Aerologistics card lock provides refuelling services at YXY, the Dawson City Airport and the Mayo airport. You can reach them at 867-393-4359 or 867-335-5825 .

Fuel storage

You need a licence to store fuel at Yukon airports and aerodromes. Email us to request permission to store fuel. The licence fee is $25 + GST.

If you will be storing fuel in a larger tank you might need to apply for a Storage Tank System permit.

Leasing land

Contact us for information about leasing land at Yukon airports and aerodromes.

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