It’s once again time for an update on public-facing digital services and websites we are working on. For this update this includes websites and transactional services.
If you follow this blog you’ll see some projects listed might appear and reappear. The reason for this is that:
- eServices might not have an active role;
- the team might not have an update;
- the project is on hold; or
- the team decided not to proceed with the work.
Comment below or email eservices@yukon.ca if you have any questions about these projects.
Centralized recruitment marketing website
This website launched earlier this spring. It looks like Yukon.ca and the information is for everyone with a focus on letting people know what it’s like to live in the Yukon and the benefits of working for the government.
Indicators of Yukon Gender Equity
The Indicators of Gender Equity pages are now published on Yukon.ca. This is a series of pages of statistical indicators organized into themes. The goal is to present this information to the public so anyone can see where the Yukon falls in terms of gender equity.
Yukon airports website
The new Yukon airports spring website launch has been delayed, but the team are planning for take-off later this summer. This website will have information for travellers and Yukon aviators.
This spring we are working on planning our improvements to the website and we’re gearing up to begin migrating Yukon.ca from Drupal 7 to 10. This is going to be a huge project and the team are excited to undertake this work. Visit Yukon.ca.
Yukon Immunize website
The project team have been working to get the newly redesigned and enhanced website out to the public. As planned, they will be launching the website later this spring.
Yukon Public Libraries website
This will be a new website for the Yukon Public Libraries. The website is undergoing design and implementation, and launch is anticipated during the upcoming months.
Yukon Water Board website
The project team is continuing work on the redesign of their current website. Their launch has been pushed from this spring to the summer as they continue to fine-tune the website.
Transactional services
We’re working with departments to deliver the following digital services.
Apply to immigrate to the Yukon
This is a service for people who want to immigrate to Canada and work in the Yukon. The team are currently working on building the service and they expect to launch this summer.
Citizen-centred service delivery
We’re continuing our work to modernize how we manage government forms and other services. This includes internal processes, such as tracking project status and budgets. As planned, we’ve procured some tools and we’re working on configuring and implementing them this summer.
Find a government employee
We’re updating the existing Find a government employee service with the government’s branding and new ways to search and sort the information. This service is our version of a digital government directory. We expect to launch this new service later this summer. You can see the existing service on Yukon.ca.
Government of Yukon photography archive
The project team have migrated the existing photography archive to a cloud-based digital asset management system. They are working to configure user groups before they launch it.
Online Marketplace
The new portal for suppliers who are selling to the Government of Yukon has been selected and implementation work is nearing completion. Launch is dependent on some other activities, and is anticipated by the fall.
Professional licensing and regulatory affairs (PLRA)
The project team have added more professional licenses to the existing service. You can see the list of professional licenses on Yukon.ca.
Request a health record
This new digital service allows people to request their health records and information. The team has built a prototype, completed testing and assessments and they expect to launch it in the next few months.
Student Financial Assistance
This is a major update to the online system that allows students to apply for financial assistance. The project is in final phases and the team is planning to launch it in July.
Yukon Sights and Sites mobile app
The project team launched version 1.2.2 of the Sights and Sites mobile app to the Apple and Google Play app stores on April 1. This release includes fixes and new highway features.
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