Decide before you ride – drive sober
“After alcohol, cannabis is the most commonly detected substance among drivers who die in traffic crashes.”
Decide before you ride
Get home safe
Decide before you ride
- Plan a safe ride home
- Have a designated driver
- Take a taxi or transit
- Call a friend or family member
Is your designated driver sober?

- A designated driver is someone who is not impaired by alcohol or drugs, including cannabis, before driving.
- Just because someone looks sober, it does not mean they are. If you think your driver is not sober, choose a different ride home.
Find stats and resources
Stats and research
- Cannabis Use, Harms and Perceived Risks among Canadian Students report
- Research Cannabis
- Cannabis, Driving and Implications for Youth
- Driving impaired by other drugs (Transport Canada)
- Drug-impaired driving (Health Canada)
Resources for parents and educators
Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addictions (CCSA) materials: