Apply to the Youth Mental Wellness Grant

The Youth Mental Wellness Grant funds projects that help youth with their mental wellness.

The grant helps with expenses for initiatives that:

  • follow the 40 Developmental Assets Model; and
  • are not already funded through other sources.

An interdepartmental committee will decide on grant allocations based on the above criteria.

Eligible expenses include:

  • programming expenses (supplies, rentals, food, printing, advertising, travel and additional staff wages that are not already funded by other sources); and
  • eligible equipment costs up to 10 per cent.

About the 40 Developmental Assets Model

Youth are healthy, successful and reach their full potential when they have “developmental assets”.

Developmental assets are traits, values and experiences that:

  • promote positive behaviours and attitudes; and
  • help protect young people from problem behaviour.

These values, traits and experiences are essential to a young person’s success. The more assets a young person has the more likely they are to thrive, make healthy choices and avoid harmful behaviours.

The Search Institute created the development assets model and then we adapted it to the Yukon’s needs.

The Yukon's developmental assets model incorporates the wisdom of Yukon Elders and rural Yukon First Nations communities. It reflects how each asset is defined within those cultural contexts.

Learn more about the developmental assets model

Available funding

  • $400,000 is available in total.
  • Around $300,000 is available to 4 youth organizations on top of their base funding levels:
    • Boys & Girls Club of Yukon
    • BYTE – Empowering Youth Society
    • Heart of Riverdale Community Centre
    • Youth of Today Society
  • Around $100,000 is available for other youth-serving organizations across the Yukon for smaller projects valued between $10,000 and $20,000.

How to apply

  1. Download and complete the application form.
  2. Email your application form to Chris Nash at and Gord Kurzyski at by the application deadline.

Deadline for applications

The deadline to apply for the Youth Mental Wellness Grant is September 15, 2022.

Timeline for projects

Projects may start from the grant approval date and must be completed by March 31, 2023.


For more information about the grant email Chris Nash at

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