2020 Yukon Tourism Sector Needs Assessment
Category Doing business
Last updated
Size 447.4 KB
File Type pdf
Number of pages 24
Document description
This survey was to gather information on COVID-19 pandemic impacts on the tourism sector in Yukon. The survey was open between September 28 and October 11, 2020. Information provided will aid in identifying gaps and help develop and provide supports that are effective to support the sector through the pandemic.
The survey was designed to collect information specifically from Yukon tourism businesses. The survey excluded not-for-profit organizations (e.g. museums and cultural centres), tourism organizations, and other government organizations.
Developed by the Department of Tourism and Culture in consultation with the Tourism Industry Association of Yukon (TIAY) and the Wilderness Tourism Association of Yukon (WTAY). Conducted by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics.