School bus registration and other student transportation options

Whitehorse and rural school bus registration

Parents and guardians in Whitehorse who require school bus services and are eligible must register their child for the bus each year.

Rural parents and guardians should contact their school directly for busing options.

Registration for the 2024-25 school year opened on May 6, 2024. 

How to register for the school bus

  1. Complete the Annual School Bus Registration form  
  2. Submit your form to the Student Transportation branch:
  3. Submit 1 registration form for all children living at the same home address.

Registration deadline

The deadline to register for busing for the 2024–25 school year is June 14, 2024. The number of seats available is based on this registration. If your child is not registered by this date, there may not be space available for them on the school bus next school year. 

When school bus routes are posted 

Updated school bus routes are posted for the 2024-25 school year.

Currently we are experiencing a high volume of phone calls and emails about student transportation. These enquiries are being processed as quickly as possible in the order they are received.

Some bus route numbers have changed this year although the routes are the same. 

Bus routes may change before the beginning of school as late registrations are processed. Review your routes before the first day of school to confirm pickup and drop-off locations and times.

Parents or guardians who register by June 14 will receive an email confirmation by August 16th, 2024 of their children’s school bus:

  • routes, and 
  • numbers. 

Please use the closest school bus stop to your home address from the current routes.

Adjustments to school bus routes and schedules

School bus routes and schedules are:

  • reviewed, and
  • adjusted as needed based on the home addresses from bus registrations for the new school year.

Adjusting school bus schedules each year ensures:

  • there are enough buses for all students, and
  • school bus routes meet the needs of students and families.

Minor adjustments may also be made at the start of the school year as buses start running. This is to make sure they are best meeting the needs of students and families who use the bus.

Special requests (riding to an alternative bus stop)

When you register, your child is registered to take the school bus from your home to the school and back. 

Requests to ride the school bus to a location other than a home address may be emailed to the student transportation officer: You will receive an email with information once late bus registrations have been processed. 

These requests are considered at the start of the new school year based on:

  • available space on the bus, and
  • existing bus routes.

To receive My School Bus Monitor updates

At the beginning of each school year and once you know the bus route your child has been assigned to you can register to receive My School Bus Monitor updates. These updates will let you know if a school bus is late or cancelled.

Sign up for a free Whitehorse Transit pass

Whitehorse high school students can take a city bus instead of a school bus. Students who choose the city bus receive free Whitehorse Transit passes and are not eligible to ride a school bus. They may use their passes to get to and from school and for personal use.

Students are not eligible for both school bus and public transit student passes.

  1. Complete the Public Transit Registration Form.
  2. Submit your form to the Student Transportation branch. 
  3. You will receive a confirmation email with information.
  4. You must follow the Whitehorse Transit Passenger Code of Conduct when you take the bus.

Apply for a transportation subsidy

If your child lives more than 3.2 km from the nearest school bus stop and goes to the catchment area school, you may apply for a transportation subsidy to offset the cost of driving.

  1. Complete the Application for Student Transportation Allowance.
  2. Submit the completed form.

Student transportation policies, regulations and legislation


For questions about student transportation options email:

If you have questions about bus services phone Standard Bus Yukon 867-456-3210.

If you have questions or concerns about student behaviour on buses contact your child's school

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